Clarification for you fucking morons who go shopping

Things the person in the store can (or at least should) be able to tell you about any given product the store sells:

  • where in the store the item is
  • how much it costs
  • if there are more in the stockroom

Things the person in the store cannot, and should never be, expected to tell you:

  • is it any good
  • why don’t you have it
  • who does have it
  • are you getting more
  • how many sprays you get out of a travel size aerosol sunscreen
  • if your 2 year old grand niece is advanced enough to play with toys made for ages 3-9
  • what medicine your elderly mother should take for her joint pain
  • what the rules of a boardgame are
  • why a printer doesn’t come with cables
  • why your credit card was denied
  • why is it so expensive
  • will it go on sale in the future
  • where to get free MP3s for an mp3 player
  • anything about any product beyond what is clearly printed on it’s packaging

Listen, assholes, if you don’t know anything about what you’re buying, spend 15 seconds on fucking google and figure it out. Why the fuck would you expect the guy who makes slightly more than minimum wage to have astounding insight into each and every one of the 5 bajillion different products the store sells?

About The Author


the rotten bastard who runs this shithole and theoretically makes with the funny.

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05 2013


  1. jesse 12 11 14

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